Friday, October 21, 2011

Wedding Cake Happening NOW!

In case you haven't seen/heard, I am in Florida right now making a wedding cake for my friends Traci and Stephen. This has been a truly amazing opportunity, and I am so psyched they asked me to do this. I JUST finished exactly 24 hours after I started, leaving only minor touch-ups and the addition of the fresh orchids tomorrow - as well as the transportation to the reception site. Gulp. At least Budget upgraded me to a minivan. Anyways, check out Dolce + Decadence's Facebook page and Twitter feed for live updates of how it's going! Excited to write a more detailed post about this experience later!

Twitter: @dolcedecadence

Oh, and don't forget to like Dolce + Decadence on Facebook! Just click the "Like" button in the right side bar!

And finally, a sneak peak...


susan said...

PERFECTION!! I am betting it tastes as good as it looks! Congrats Nicole...Now go enjoy the wedding festivities!

Hallie said...

Yum! That looks awesome, Nicole. Can't wait to see more photos.
