I also got THREE orders last week, enough to keep me busy for the following three weeks! So exciting! The first was from my coworker Molly, who wanted carrot cake to take home for the Fourth of July weekend. I have to give Molly credit - she was THE order just a couple months ago that made me think, "Hell, why not try to sell baked goods out my apartment until I open my own bakery?" Her original order was for carrot cake for this past Easter. It stemmed from the fact that she gave up sweets for Lent and was tortured on a weekly basis when she had to pass on whatever concoction I brought into work. So, to make up for it, she asked if I would bake her a carrot cake to take home for Easter, both as a gift for her mother and as a celebratory Lent-is-over prize for herself. When I came back to work after the holiday, I found my cake platter and a note on my desk. Her mother's loopy handwriting thanked me for the best carrot cake she had ever had and that I have a talent. Molly gushed that her mom ate the cake at every meal that weekend, that it did not make it to the Easter meal, and that anyone outside of the immediate family was offered a different cake for dessert, while the carrot cake remained hidden. And that her mom pictured me as a plump little baker. The Fourth of July was the perfect occasion to place another order, only this time they were more realistic and ordered two cakes, with the hope that at least a slice would make it to the actual holiday.
In addition to the carrot cakes, another coworker, Becca, ordered cupcakes for an upcoming bachelorette party, with the only requirement that the cupcakes be pink. Then, my friend Liz ordered desserts for a family party the week after that, specifying I could make whatever dessert would further my baking development AND land her a shout-out in my blog (duh). I couldn't believe it - I was actually consistently busy! But, I realized this meant something else - I need packaging!!!!
Notice the foil fort in the background. |
So, I did about ten minutes of frantic online browsing before deciding Mr. Takeout Bags (the name is awful, I know) was my man. I ordered everything I thought I would need coming up: mini cupcake boxes, regular cupcake boxes, jumbo cupcake boxes, layer cake boxes, and cardboard cake circles. I chose white packaging with clear windows, figuring that would display my goods nicely while also providing a lovely space for my Dolce + Decadence labels to shine. It was slightly painful clicking the order "submit" button - I had just bought enough packaging for my next 500 orders. On the scary side, it was a LOT of money (that could have also bought some really gorgeous shoes...)... On the positive side, my first business investment! So, some more orders, about 497 of them, would be nice right now... (cough)...ahem...yeah, you, Reader....
The boxes were supposed to arrive Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, which was just in time for Molly's pickup Wednesday evening. Tuesday night I came home to find only three boxes haphazardly strewn across our back patio. How UPS throws 30-lb boxes over a 10-foot fence, I do not know. But there were my boxes, albeit a little disgruntled.... Kind of wish UPS wouldn't do that. What if my items were breakable? Or how do they know there's not some glass table or ceramic statue on the patio that they could hit? Or how they throw it back there in the middle of the rain? Grrrr..... anyways, I digress....
1. |
- Place a dollop of frosting under the circle to anchor the cake in place while frosting. If not using a circle, place a dollop of frosting under the bottom cake layer to anchor it to the platter (also 2).
- If using a circle, also place a dollop of frosting between the circle and the bottom cake layer to anchor it again.
- Put a generous amount of frosting between layers. This might be personal preference, but I think it looks bad if you can barely see the frosting between layers when slices are cut. So much oozes out as you stack, too, that you are going to lose some frosting.
- Spread a thin layer of frosting, or "crumb coat" over your entire cake in order to seal in crumbs. Allow this to set for at least ten minutes, preferably in the refrigerator. Once this has set, apply the final layer of frosting. It will have a much smoother appearance, with no crumbs in sight.
3. |
2. |
4. |
Molly approached the cashier, "Is there ANY way we can get a couple cake boxes, like you sell your coffee cake in? Can we buy them? Or even buy a cookie or pastry, but you put it in that box?" We were both holding our breath. The cashier goes, "Hmmm, let me go ask my manager," and walked away. After about a minute, she came back, but walked right past us without saying a word. Molly and I looked at each other, unsure what that meant. Then, the cashier emerged with two empty cake boxes, handed them to Molly, and said, "Here, don't worry about it." We were both stunned, but willingly accepted, feeling like we should leave a tip or still buy that cookie as a token of our appreciation. Again, I was surprised that Panera would bypass corporate red tape to give away boxes. Maybe the manager knew what awesome cakes I was putting in them, so he could only hope that people would mistake them for Panera cakes ;)
I arrived home that evening to again find three boxes lying like gun-fight casualties on my back patio (UPS, what are you doing?!?!), this time even with split-seam wounds from the fall. I dragged them inside, hoping one contained the cake boxes. Nope. Just more cupcake boxes. Oh well - at least Panera came to the rescue. Into the Panera-branded boxes they went, and were picked up tonight. I'm excited to hear more stories about Molly's mother and the cakes after this weekend. Last time it was cake for breakfast and hiding it from relatives; this time I'm hoping for a fork-stabbing when someone else goes in for a bite, or something of that nature.
And, once all the packaging is in, I'll be sure to post pictures for you all!
I love it!! I can't wait for my cupcakes! They will be amazing knowing you!
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